Monday, November 3, 2008

Tiny Pillow

We recently bought a new couch. It's a nice couch and all, but I really want a nice throw pillow for it. Since I have all the free time in the world at the moment (see "I haven't had a job since August, and still have two weeks left until I start my new job"), I decided it would be a fantastic idea to crochet myself a nice custom throw pillow.

I attempted a Futurama themed pillow, but after getting about 1/5 of the way through, I hated it and quit. It was supposed to be the Planet Express logo, but I sadly discovered that this logo does not pixelize (is that a word?) well. You can see my sad attempt at this here. I really liked the idea of the Planet Express logo on a pillow, so maybe sometime in the future I'll try again, but as it stands now, I have no Futurama pillow.

My next idea was the, slightly overdone, question mark box from mario. I loved how this one turned out. On one side I have the question mark and on the other side is the bricks.

Here's a picture of both sides before I sewed it together:

Here it is as a finished pillow:

I do, however, have one tiny problem with how this pillow turned out. Due to my lack of planning ahead, the pillow is a very tiny tiny pillow. Its measurements are a mere 6"x6". To give you some perspective of the pillow to couch ratio that's going on, here's a picture to help you visualize.

Since I wanted a larger, more useful pillow (as opposed to a pillow that is still totally awesome, just not as practical as I was hoping), I decided to sell this one over at etsy. If you're interested, you can purchase it here. If you know anyone who would be interested, feel free to direct them to it :o)

Well, that's all from me for now. Stay tuned for the next installment of the "I'm bored and going to spend all my days crocheting little things for myself" show.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

thats got to be a shop. it cant be that tiny compared to the couch.